
Showing posts from 2008

Finally . . .

It's Not Too Late . . .

Holiday Hilarity . . .

Ice . . .

A Windy Day in the Windy City . . .

News Flash . . .

If It's not One Thing . . . It's Another

Saturday, Chez A :-)

Brrrrrr. . .

I Bought Yarn Today . . .

Happy Thanksgiving

It's Here!!!!!

Time Compression

It's Snowing!

Some Resting, Some Thinking, and Some Knitting

Please VOTE Today!

Neti Pot!

Kinda Crabby . . .

"Take it easy, but take it"

Seasons Change

Just Checking In . . .

I'm so Jazzed!

Questions on the Floor

Waterloo . . . not Abba ;-D


My Favorite Time of Year . . .