We Interrupt This Program . . .

. . . because I got to meet the Governor of Illinois this morning. How kewl is this?!!!!! That's Governor Pat Quinn, and me!!

He spoke at my work this morning - I unfortunately missed hearing his speech, but I was very happy to meet him. For those of you who might not know (although how you could escape it is beyond me), Governor Quinn was actually the Lieutenant Governor. He became the Governor when our former governor was indited for, among other things, allegedly attempting to sell President Obama's former Illinois Senate seat to the highest bidder . . .

Politics in Chicago . . . don't get me started.

Anyway - it was very exciting for me to meet Governor Quinn - I support him and hope that he will be elected.

News of the desert . . . shortly :-)


Tammy said…
No comment on the political stuff, but I have to say, that color of blue looks fabulous on you!! :-)
A :-) said…
Thank you :-) You know, if it's not green, it's probably blue (or coral) where I'm concerned :-D

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