Holding On . . .

We're under a high wind alert here in Chicagoland.  It started last night at 6 p.m. and goes through tonight at 6 p.m.  It rained, too. 

The leaves on the London Planetree a/k/a Sycamore tree in my backyard are holding on for dear life.  It leafs out later and holds on longer than any other tree around my home.  You can't tell in this early morning photo, but the wind it still blasting away out there.

And I am reminded that in order to know when to let go, I have to pay attention.  Is what I'm holding on to serving me?  Am I happy holding on to it?  Am I missing something else by not letting go when time is up?

The wheels of change are sometimes slow . . . but they are rolling  :-)


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