Ten on Tuesday . . .

Today's  prompt is a little different.  She's asked us for two lists of five things each!  Here we go!

First:  The 5 Best Things You Did This Summer
  1. I took a play day with my cousin, ME, and we went to Naperville to participate in the events surrounding the Midwest premiere of Joan Anderson's film, Year By the Sea.
  2. I started Tai Chi lessons at the Kenpo Ki Do Karate Studio.
  3. I chose to have surgery on my partially frozen shoulder.
  4. I took care of myself by having my annual mammogram, and my 10-year colonoscopy.
  5. I went to Kripalu and studied Yoga for the Rest of Us with Peggy Cappy for a week (OK, this was in May, but it's really one of the coolest things I did all year, so I had to include it here).
And second:  5 Things You are Looking Forward to Doing this Fall
  1. "Being" more rather than doing more  ;-)
  2. Continuing to "shrink."  ;-D
  3. Continuing my study of Tai Chi, and beginning a daily practice to go with my weekly lesson.
  4. Completing the final two WIPs on the Big List.
  5. I am looking forward to whatever comes next - it's always an adventure :-)
I have more than five things I'm looking forward to this fall . . .

I'm looking forward to finishing a lot of books that I started and left languishing.  At the moment, I'm listening to the Outlander series on Audible on my daily commute.  That will keep me busy for some time, but I've also picked back up an unfinished Kindle book, Becoming Marta, to read each evening before falling asleep.  It's not thrilling me, but the book is not long.  I started this one in January, I think - at least that's when I purchased it.  The "To Read" list is long and I'd like to get cracking again  :-)  To that end, I'm going to take a page from Crazy Knitting Fool, and start chronicling those books here.  I'm also going to update my Goodreads and see if I can get myself on track there the way I was able to get on track with my WIPs using The Big List.

I've gotten a lot of free books from Book Bub, and I also get a free book every month from Amazon.  I usually take advantage of these offers - sometimes the books are duds, however. 

I'm looking forward to cooking more.

I'm looking forward to picking up my pipes again. (So glad some of you enjoyed Hevia's Busindre Reel yesterday.  It's pretty awesome, isn't it?  :-) ).

Lughnasa and Samhain are the times of the year where I feel the best and do the best work for myself - and on myself . . .

What about you?


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