It's Samhain . . .

So it's National Blog Posting Month and I'm participating again this year - or at least making a great attempt.  A blog post every day.  I'm sure that some of them are going to be very short  ;-)  But I will be giving it the Old College Try.  In fact - two tries. 

As I often do, I'm going to share my journey here this month as I seek for focus.  In the Celtic year, we are now in Samhain.  It's a time of drawing in, of taking stock.  The days are shorter and shorter.  I usually need a project during Samhain, and so this year my project is myself.

First, I recently re-watched Louise Hay's film, You Can Heal Your Life.  In it, her Power Thought Cards play a central role and I am working with them this month.  So I will share that here, too.  Today's thought and affirmation are:  

I Am Willing to Change

I am willing to release old, negative beliefs.
They are only thoughts that stand in my way.
My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling.

Second - it's also November, and on Facebook I usually post daily, without comment, something that I'm thankful for.  It's something I started a couple of years ago for myself.  

I am thankful for this day.


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