Cleanup . . .

I've been cleaning things up here on the old blog these past couple of days.

Try not to fall over at two posts in as many days  :-D

One of the things I'm cleaning up is the removal of blogs where the author has not posted in at least a year.  I totally realize that lives change.  Mine certainly has in the years I've been meeting myself on the page here.  For some, children arrive or leave the nest.  For others, life situations become more challenging and less tenable in terms of time.  And for still others, interests change.  And sometimes we all just need more time than physics allows.  I get this more than you can possibly know, and that's why I've subscribed to as many of my favorite blogs as will let me do that - that way I will get notice in my email if they post something again, because, you know, I don't want to miss anything important  ;-)

I realize this is very nearly a "Pot, meet Kettle" situation on my part, since my own time on the page has been so sporadic this year.  But as I've said before, I'm here.  And I plan to remain here, writing when I can and continuing to share what's going on in my world.  I don't have many followers.  15 if you want to know.  I'm glad it's at least that many!  :-D  I started this blog for myself back in 2007.  It was mostly about yarn and fiber back then.  There is still some knitting content here and there, but as I began to do some serious soul work and also began to deal with some serious health issues, my blog began to encompass more and varied aspects of my life, and I started sharing music videos of tunes and artists that I like. That's where I am now.  I'm guessing it's where I will stay, just yammering on about life and the music I listen to to move through it.

Anyway, I'm on the lookout for some new blogs to check out.  The first, most obvious place for stuff like this is on the blogs I follow, but - to my surprise - I'm finding that some no longer list the blogs they follow.  This used to be pretty standard in the blogosphere, but I guess not so much any more.  And then, for the bloggers who do have a blog roll, I'm finding that the lion's share of the blogs listed have been, for want of a better word, abandoned.  Some for a really long time.

Hmmmmmm . . . .

But some of us do still write.

And some of us don't tweet.

And so, dinosaur that I am, I will still be meeting the page here and still sharing what's going on in my everyday wild and wacky life.  Another hmmmmmm . . . I suppose it's not so wild and wacky as it was 12 years ago.

So it goes . . .

I'm still here. 


Here is someone who's been gone awhile now.  She was so brilliant.  I really wish she could have found her way . . . 


Michelle said…
My blogroll has always been on my Blogger Reading List, not on my blog page. I have deleted a few over time but am always loathe to do so, even if they have been silent for years sometime. I've thought about my own blog readers, and wish there was some way to task someone close to me to do a final post should I die and not be able to say good-bye. That happened on one blog I follow; a friend of hers posted while she was dying from cancer. So sad, but at least her readers knew what was going on.
A :-) said…
Oh! I'm going to check there! And yes I never did think about what would happen if I got run over by a bus. Something else to write down . . .

And yes, I really do not want to delete things, but if a page has disappeared, or hasn't been posted to for a really long time . . . well, I figure they aren't coming back, I guess. But I did subscribe wherever I could, just in case :-)
Judy Whitehead said…
I tend to blog in spurts at season changes. I intend to blog more, I need to write more (it helps), but I get so caught up in the day to day that I forget. And how much do I want to share publicly about the challenges and tribulations right now? One one hand, I think it could be helpful for those caring for a person with dementia. On the other hand does it invade her privacy to put out there the daily highs and lows and events? Some are humorous, some are sad, some are frustating. And I don't want (or need) pity or sympathy at this point, I'm fine with where we are........ so I think I will blog, and then get caught up in the next thing I need to do.

But I'm glad you're still blogging and I'm one of your 15 followers! ;)

A :-) said…
Judy, thank you :-) I think that you can blog about whatever you need to. If you don't want to share too much about things, you don't need to. I'm really glad you're still reading :-)

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