The Beginning of Summer . . .

That huge burst of posts . . . and then radio silence  :-D

I'm here.  I'm still home, safe and sound.  Things are looking up - well, the numbers are going down - in my state as far as coronavirus numbers and statistics are concerned.  I still passed by two stores on last week's shopping trip because there were too many cars in their parking lots . . . 

It's Memorial Day, and there is a member of my extended family who has decided they are going to meet friends in a backyard BBQ of fewer than 10 people - they live in a neighboring state that has already opened back up much faster than Illinois.  Another extended family member has dropped off two of their three children with the grandparents for a week or so - again, in another state in the Pacific Northwest.  I feel like these are not wise choices, but I don't have a say in either of them, so I just keep my mouth shut and hope that nothing bad happens. 

I remain at home, and it's like we went from the longest winter in forever directly to 80+ degree temps here.  There have been thunderstorms and a tornado warning.  Thankfully that last didn't materialize, but I spent about 15 tense minutes in the basement a few days ago. 

There has been stuff going on here - after the heavy rains, my yard was its usual pond.

And then I decided yesterday that I should trim those two yews that are close to the house.  Believe it or not, that was quite a job, even doing it in the shade.  In another part of the yard I found some Poison Ivy, but I managed to not get it on myself.  There's a possibility it was Box Elder but more likely to have been the climbing variety of Eastern Poison Ivy.  Poison Ivy impersonates a lot of different plants.  In either case, no harm done to me, and I'll get back out there at some point and get rid of it. 

The yews look a lot better after their haircut, and the "pond," while a bit smaller after an 84 degree day yesterday is still there.  The ground has soaked up all it can handle for the time being.

Alrighty then - Blogger seems to have changed its interface and I can no longer upload multiple photos at the same time without them all going directly into the post.  This is bothersome . . .  The only constant in my life at the moment appears to be change (even though I'm not going anywhere or doing anything), and I think I'm a little cranky about it.  Early retirement has NOT been as I had planned.  At all.  I had so many plans for this summer, and I can't follow through on any of them.  I think this is bothering me, as well - more than I might even consciously know.  I miss J.  We would have been together this week for the first time since January.  It sucks that we're not, but it's safer this way for me.  Dammit. 

I got the gazebo furniture cleaned up.  The floor and railings haven't been power-washed, but I wiped down the furniture - it was covered this winter, so it wasn't as bad as it might have been.  I have already been spending time out there.  It's a great space.  My mom's old rocker is in there, as well, but this photo was taken before I moved it back in.  You can see my Redbud in bloom there on the left. 

There's been a lot going on out in the yard recently . . .  Lots of deer - one day, there were three!

It's hard to see the one on the right - here's a better shot.

My state's stay-at-home order expires on May 29th.  I don't know if there will be another.  We seem to be moving now in phases.  There are 5 phases for Illinois.  We're in Phase 2 and are moving to Phase 3 on May 29th, assuming the numbers hold.  With all the photos I've seen around the country from this weekend, I cannot help but think that there will be a massive spike by about the third week of June.  But, I could be wrong - I'm not a scientist.  Whatever happens, I'm going to ask my cleaning lady to hold off coming in June.  I had thought that maybe I would feel safe enough to have her start coming again.  I don't.  Same thing with ORKIN, I'll be having them do the outside of the house but not come inside.  My dentist contacted me saying he was beginning to take appointments again in June.  I had to tell him I'm just not ready to leave the house yet and take public transportation downtown. 

I cancelled on the one circular sock machine crank-in that I was still going to attend - in mid-July about an hour and a half away.  I can't see how they go forward, since gatherings of more than 10 people are not allowed until Phase 4, and I can't really imagine that we're going to get there in six weeks.  I could be wrong, but no matter what the organizers decide, I knew it was not going to be best for me to attend.

Am I overreacting?  I don't know anymore, so I just keep going with what makes me feel safe.  Currently, that's staying at home, wearing a mask any time I leave, and practicing social distancing at all times. 

In other news, I'm exploring something called Balance365 Life.  It was recommended by James Fell, who I follow on Facebook, and whose first book, Lose it Right, I have read.  I have struggled for so long to find balance in many areas of my life (not just with food), that I decided that this would be a valuable purchase for me.  They had a sale over the Mother's Day weekend, so I bit.  There is a podcast you can listen too that's free, and they have a free Facebook group, too.  The program itself is actually closed for the time being, but they have a waiting list for when it opens back up for more participants.

While watching a special on a local television channel, a man sang this Destiny's Child song.  I found it incredibly timely.


Michelle said…
I, too, am being cautious. After all, what does it cost me? Nothing! What could it cost me, or someone I love (or even someone I don't even know), if I'm NOT cautious? THAT's the question.
Retired Knitter said…
Everyone must do what they think is right for themselves. I agreed that the lock down was right so I complied. As things start to lift, I continue to self isolate - avoiding restaurants and some other public spaces, groups of people, masks, hand washing and social distancing ... because the virus is not under "control" just manipulated by human behavior ... until a vaccine is available. Of course, opinion vary on this stance. I just continue to do what seems right for me at this time.

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