Ten on Tuesday . . .
Today's Ten on Tuesday topic is: go back to the post you wrote on June 14, 2016 - the topic was 10 Things On Your Summer Bucket List - and update the list and see how you're doing regarding those things you want to do this summer.
Here's the list I wrote for summer:
As for this summer of 2016 . . . it's just a regular list :-)
Here's the list I wrote for summer:
As for this summer of 2016 . . . it's just a regular list :-)
- Get successfully through my shoulder surgery
- Heal well and quickly
- Become the Queen of PT and regain full mobility in my right shoulder
- Delete 12 pounds from my frame by September 1st
- Enjoy time spent with friends and family
- Set aside enough time to physically take care of myself - i.e., cook more, walk more, sleep more, create more, love more, laugh more . . .
- Spend some quality time in my hammock in the shade
- Finish The Big Easy Gansey sweater
- Listen to all of Outlander on Audible
- Get started listening to Dragonfly in Amber on Audible
Get successfully through my shoulder surgery.Done! Yay!Heal well and quickly. In terms of my incisions, done and dusted!Become the Queen of PTand regain full mobility in my right shoulder - Well, I am the Queen of PT (both at Athletico and at home) - there's no doubt. I went every workday for three weeks, and am on my third week of going only 3x/week now. Unfortunately I do not have full mobility back yet, but I'm making progress and I suppose that's what counts :-)- Delete 12 pounds from my frame by September 1st. I weigh myself on Thursdays - so from June 9th, I'm down 4.8, but from May 26th, which is when I really got focused, I'm down 11.
- Enjoy time spent with friends and family. - I could do better in this area and will be spending some time with friends on Saturday at Stitches Midwest. I am also likely going to drive up to the Michigan Fiber Festival mid-month for a day and will see friends there, too.
Set aside enough time to physically take care of myself i.e., cook more, walk more, sleep more, create more, love more, laugh more . . .- I'm giving myself this one because I'm definitely doing better in this area! I'm putting myself first and I've cooked more. I've been getting 10,000 steps every weekday for a few weeks now, and I'm very good about my home PT program and icing and those things take time. The steps in particular are a very good improvement for me. Creating, loving. and laughing - I can always do more :-)- Spend some quality time in my hammock in the shade - Not yet. Sleeping is still a challenge with my shoulder and I've felt like the curve of the hammock would not be comfortable on it yet. Plus, every time I think I'm going to try it - it rains. :-D We'll see how I do in the next few weeks ;-)
- Finish The Big Easy Gansey sweater - I have made a valiant effort here - One sleeve done and the neckline done. I plan to do some finish work soon and then pick up the stitches for the remaining sleeve. I discovered that knitting too much aggravates my shoulder, so I have had to cut back a bit or I would have been done by now.
Listen to all of Outlander on Audible.Done! And I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting the story by listening to it - something I never thought I would enjoy.Get started listening to Dragonfly in Amber on Audible.Yup! I'm about halfway through, I think.
So - five and half out of 10. I think that's admirable :-) In addition, it's been interesting - I've been forced to do less as I have been healing, and although there are still plenty of weekend days spent in jams just resting, I feel like I'm making progress in many areas this summer. I've also started a Tai Chi class, and I love it!