Onward, Fearlessly . . .
Further to my post yesterday - here is a link to a Huffington Post article: "If You're Overwhelmed By The Election, Here's What You Can Do Now." There are many more ways to help - I'm sure you'll find something that sparks you.
There is a Power Thought for today:
I needed to hear that one today.
One of my friends said this yesterday on Facebook:
I never tire of it.
There is a Power Thought for today:
Every thought I think is creating my future.
The Universe totally supports every thought I choose to think and believe.
I have unlimited choices about what I think.
balance, harmony, and peace, and I express it in my Life.
I needed to hear that one today.
One of my friends said this yesterday on Facebook:
"People of conscience, be galvanized. This shows us where our work lies.I thought we might need a fight song for the journey . . .
Onward, fearlessly."
I never tire of it.
I am thankful for my washing machine and dryer.