NaBloPoMo 2015 . . .

I've never tried this, but I'm going to try it this year.

What does NaBloPoMo stand for?

National Blog Posting Month.  I thought it was just November, but apparently it's now pretty much any month you want it to be, but I'm sticking with November.  Here's what the Daily Post says about it.

What does NaBloPoMo mean?

It means that I will be attempting to blog every day during the month of November 2015.  There are some weekday prompts that the BlogHer site sets up, and also some that The Daily Post sets up.  I can use them or not, as I choose, and weekends are promptless.

I've wondered if I could do this in years past, and I've always wondered about the 10 on Tuesday and Five on Friday things that I see on others' blogs.

It's time to stop wondering and do some exploring.  It's time to see how it goes.  :-)

I signed up to get the 10 on Tuesdays prompts, and I saved the prompts from BlogHer.

I'll give it a shot.


Michelle said…
And I'll look forward to it!
Linda said…
Go for it!

Maybe I'll give it a try, too. The big challenge for me to do this would be the business trip I have during the month. It's hard to find time to write during those trips since you're usually "on" from early morning through the evening.
candy said…
I'm looking into this
A :-) said…
Thanks you guys!! I think it will definitely be a challenge, but of all the things, my blog has seemed to me to be the most stable and what I turn to the most. I'm a writer. I have to write :-)

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