Whoomp, There it Is . . .

The painter is going to start painting tomorrow.  He's going to start in the kitchen, and then that room will be done except for the one missing puck light in the corner.  The other half of my kitchen has a built-in where I have a LOT of books.  But the painter is starting in the kitchen.  Tomorrow.  At 8:30 a.m.  So I cleared everything out . . .

But you know, it hadda go somewhere . . .

And JesisMaryandJoseph it didn't all fit, so the overflow is in the living room, along with the contents of the front hall closet, and five rather large (Rather large, China (obscure theatre reference for those of you keeping score at home)) boxes containing the medicine cabinet, the new bathroom mirror, and the new black table and chairs for the kitchen (yeah that old white cafe chair in the first photo above is headed for the basement).

I mean it - my hair is standing on END (more than usual).  I've reached the end of my rope, tied the knot, and am hanging on (thank you, Eleanor Roosevelt).

Truth be told, I'm actually pretty excited about having all the books out - they all need to be dusted off, and it's time for me to go through them all - I'm sure there's got to be a shelf or two's worth that I can divest. 

Yeah, I'm still divesting.  I really don't know how it's possible that I STILL have stuff I can divest, and yet, whoomp, there it is . . .


Unknown said…
House is looking amazing :)
A :-) said…
Thanks Debbie - I'm really happy with it, but man, I'm really ready for it to be completed :-)

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