Ten on Tuesday . . .

Today's Ten on Tuesday topic is to: Write a list of 10 words that describe you. The catch is that all the words should begin with the same letter as your first name. Use nouns or adjectives or a mix of both - whatever floats your boat!

Hmmmmm . . . I had to pull out the dictionary for this one because there aren't that many descriptive words for this letter.

  1. Jovial
  2. Jaunty
  3. Jocund
  4. Jazzy
  5. Judicious
  6. Joyful
  7. Joyous
  8. Just
  9. Jolly
  10. Jubilant
I like these because so many of them are about joy - like my late mom, I strive to live every day of my life with joy and purpose  :-)

It was easier using the initial of the name I actually go by.
  1. Active
  2. Awesome (yes, yes I am  :-D)
  3. Accepting
  4. Able
  5. Ageless
  6. Affectionate
  7. Amazing
  8. Animated
  9. Articulate
  10. Authentic
Sounds like I have a pretty high opinion of myself.  I guess I do - and there's a reason for that.  I go with the positive, because what we dwell on is what we manifest into our lives.  Meditate and affirm all the positive things that you want to manifest into your life  :-)

Finally - a quick stomach update:  Pepto Bismol is gross.  However, it is, apparently, doing its job.  No pain since I started it last night.  It's weird eating white rice and stuff that is so easy to digest, but I have to say that I am thoroughly enjoying the gelato  :-D  (and counting the calories).  Who knows what this week is going to look like on the scale, but I'm not going horribly overboard - just eating very differently.  In any case - this wonky stomach is just a bump in the road.  :-)  I see white rice and instant oatmeal in my future  :-D


Anonymous said…
Hi Annie, just a quick suggestion for when you get past this bump in your road, to ask your doctor about Celebrex if you haven't already tried it. It's been working great for me for years now. Linda M.
A :-) said…
Linda - I don't actually have arthritis - just inflammation. I will certainly keep that in mind, though :-)

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