Minds that Hate . . .

If you are a member of Ravelry, you already know about the site's new policy (as of 23 June 2019) banning support for the current resident of the White House and his administration.  They've said:
"We cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacy. Support of the Trump administration is undeniably support for white supremacy."
Ravelry also said:
"You can still participate if you do in fact support the administration, you just can’t talk about it here.'
I am in agreement with Ravelry, and I'm glad they did this.  It was interesting, however, to realize how many people did not understand the actual definition of hate speech 

And while I didn't intend for this post to be political, it appears that it is, so I feel it's time to reiterate what I said on 9 November 2016.  I stand by my assessment of the person currently in the White House.  I wrote these words the day after the election, three years ago. 
. . .  I find that I have a deep, deep sadness in my heart to find that, after all, my country would rather have someone I perceive to be an unqualified, misogynist, racist, hate-spewing schoolyard bully, rather than a woman.
I lost someone I thought was a good friend over these words - but I believed them then, and I think they are - unfortunately - truer now.  We have watched three years of buffoonery, incompetence, and criminal action.   Three years of blatant disregard for the Constitution.  Three years of fascist nationalism. 

I thought we would survive - after all, we survived Bush/Cheney - but now I'm not so sure.  

Seriously.  Did you see the letter he wrote to the President of Turkey???  I didn't share it on my Facebook wall because I thought it HAD to be fake.  It wasn't.  

As the world watches 45 unhinge and melt down, he blatantly commits impeachable offense after impeachable offense - there seems to be a new one daily to add to his list of lies and crimes.  He clearly has no understanding of the Constitution, and still Moscow Mitch McConnell and his cronies support him all the way.  At this point I have to wonder if it's just to save face.  They cannot possibly condone what he's doing, can they??  Talk about minds that hate . . .

Please.  Pay Attention.  Register to vote.  The election in November 2020 is massively important.  It will determine whether we continue on the road to hell in a hand basket, or if we begin to rebuild our republic.

I'm tired of clanging the bell and raising the alarm - but I will not shut up.  

I don't know if it will be alright.  I sure hope so - but it won't if we do not stand up and make our voices - and our votes - heard.


Caro said…
Thank you for this post! Although tRump was really NOT chosen by the people of the United States, he is an embarrassment to all of us around the world. I hope we can regain our self-respect when he is long gone.
A :-) said…
Caro, my far-away friend, you are welcome. Not only is he an embarrassment, he is a fascist. Every day that he is in office seems worse than the one before it.
Michelle said…
Like you, I don't know if our republic will recover but I cannot put my head in the sand or keep quiet. (And HURRAY, I have my laptop back!!!)
Retired Knitter said…
I totally agree with everything you said! VOTE!!! This unqualified, mentally unbalanced, dangerous man must go!!
Anonymous said…
Never blogged or even read one.
Found yours threw a very very old Kiva message responding to a team invite.
somehow got marked as read. (Not until today cleaning out very old data notary poor oven:) Saw this post and could not help responding . VOTE, We can do better for us and the world. Glad to see others believe. Sorry I never responded.

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