That's it . . .

I'm buying a 2-stage snow blower.

That is all.



candy said…
Oh heck yeah, after today, for sure. I don't have a driveway, but I shoveled the walks and shoved the snow off my car with a broom. It will be interesting to see if I can get out tomorrow since I parked in back.
A :-) said…
My single-stage one couldn't handle the heavy, wet snow.
Linda said…
Uh, oh! Did the motor burn out?

Our little electric blower did OK yesterday, but we were clearing snow throughout the day so the snow didn't have a chance to build up too much. We still have to go out today and do a final pass. Let's hope it can get through it all. If not, it's the old-fashioned shovel approach for us.
A :-) said…
No, it didn't burn out (I did run out of gas, though :-D), it's just that the lower layer of snow was so wet and heavy that it continually clogged up. I spent more time unclogging it (which is why I ran out of gas :-S) than I did actually clearing part of the driveway.

I'll be shoveling again tonight when I get home. I have get the car out tomorrow.

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