Cycles . . .

I am thinking seriously about another massive downsizing of my African violets.  I'm currently at 31 varieties.  I'm still not sure about attending National this year - as much as I'd like to go.  And I didn't get any repotting done in preparation for the Illinois state show in April.  I should have done that this last weekend after I got home from Colorado.  You need 12 weeks.  I didn't do it.  That means that it's not likely that I will enter this year.  As much as I love my violets, this hobby feels like it needs to take a back seat for awhile.

My podcast is over and the Facebook page is down.  That was a little difficult - when it came time to truly delete it, all it took was one click.  Once you set a page for deletion they give you two weeks, and then you have to go in and click.  And it immediately disappears.  Kinda wild . . .

Taking the podcast offline and letting the Facebook page go were major steps.  I'm not sure that people understood that I was really done this time.  It was time to move forward for me, and although it was a bit challenging to truly do that, I knew it was best for me.  So with the demise of the Facebook page, it's done.  And now I have this persistent feeling that I need to downsize the plants yet again . . .

Even with the greatly reduced number of plants I have at the moment, I'm still feeling like I'm not keeping up very well.  It's a struggle lately just to keep everything watered well and that's never a good sign. I'm looking at the guestroom stand right now, and everything needs a drink . . .  Which means that I need to get a gallon of water set up and mixed (fertilizer and pH Down) and get it done, and somehow I needed to do that yesterday and it still hasn't happened.  On the whole this is not surprising to me.  I know that my creativity goes in cycles, so this is nothing new.  What I don't know is what will cycle to the forefront in place of the plants. 

How do I find out?  Well, it's a process of opening my hands and letting go.  Being empty and waiting to see what comes to fill that space.  I could be anything - that's part of the excitement  :-)  I'll let you know how it all shakes out.

So yesterday the Amaryllis looked like this:

Oops!  I think it was thirsty, too.  I gave it a good drink, and this morning it's back to normal!


candy said…
My violets were overwhelming me for years. I still only have one. When they need all kinds of attention and you dig in your heals and don't do it, it might be time to downsize.
Anonymous said…
Remember that you have to do what is good for you. As much as I enjoyed watching your podcasts, I understand that you had to leave it for the next thing that is coming into your life. If you need to cull your violets, I am sure they will go to a good home. We all have to remove the toxins from our lives. And that means people as well as material things. And sometimes we've just outgrown the interest we had. I've been trying to simplify my life ever since I had cancer as I just couldn't keep up with everything that I had going. Home and work were the priorities. And sometimes home had to take a backseat. You will find the way to do what needs to be done.

Janice H.
Ely said…

I think you have described perfectly what is so hard for some people to admit to when it comes to letting go- sometimes you outgrow your interest. The key is, of course, to not take that letting go as personal, no matter what's been invested, and see it as growth and not a failure or a burden you have to stick with for xyz reasons which probably have more to do with public opinion.

The phrase, "I'm just not that into you," could take on a whole new meaning here!
Ely said…
If you're struggling to maintain a passion that seems to be waning, heck ya downsize your plants. Maybe a number way less than 10 is more your speed, where the time needed for upkeep is lessened and you're not running multiple stands. And, there will always be more plants if you ever want a full house again...
A :-) said…
Thanks you guys - awesome comments :-)

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